
BASE2 is a design, technology and sustainability collective led by John Manoochehri.

We create frameworks, platforms and conversations at the intersection of spatial design, digital technology and sustainability.

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Spatial Assets Platform


Treasury protects and distributes premium digital spatial assets - 3D digital environments, work of spatial environment creators and allows builders of spatial experiences access to premium assets.
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Architectural Design & Data


Resource Vision is an architectural design and data studio focused on sustainability. We provide drawings, models, insight, tools, data and conversations to ensure design is for life.

The Resource Talks, which build on Resource Vision projects and collaborations, are an international conversation on environmental science and sustainable design.

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Resource Talks
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Service Integration Platform & Design


Last Meter is a platform for designing modern service-based consumption, into the data, design and business model of modern, multi-user real estate.

Package delivery and returns, clothing and goods rental, bike/scooter/car-hire, autonomous vehicles, become part of the service layers of the building asset, like electricity and water.

This is how buildings become efficient, facilitate circular production-and-consumption models, and contribute to dense, high-quality urban life.

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Conversations on Design, Technology, Sustainability


Futureperfect is the conversation to imagine and build sustainable worlds. How do we design, build, live, work in an urban, technological world? What value, services & experiences are we designing into new & old spaces? The Futureperfect Talks are where spatial technology, sustainability and society - across cities, architecture, art, film, reality capture, entertainment, mapping, industry, medicine, science, game, metaverse, and more - is explored by the leading technologists, thinkers, planners and creators in the world. Sponsored by Epic Games.
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Futureperfect Talks